Thursday, 5 February 2009


I am on the train to Leeds and the snow is beautiful. It's been a frantic morning with Angels crammed into the church café for warmth. It was very jolly as we sang: " the wise man built his house on the rock and the foolish man built his house on snow." Contextual bible translation!
In a amongst a site meeting is happening in a cold vast hall with the red glow of the psychological heaters... It's a bit fraught but we are getting there as is my train which makes speedy progree to a meeting Rhona at Yorkshire Forward.
I am hoping to clear up what or rather to whom I am writing. Knowing your audience is meant to be the key question when you write... But I have at least three groups in mind: people of faith, people in regeneration, politicians, and of course I am probably writing for my mum!
Whatever, I know I ned to get it out of my system and the energy of that itch that must be scratched will I hope make it happen.

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