Monday 9 February 2009

Murder Mystery

Is it a sign of the times or the time that for the first time ever I have just walked into Bettys for a cup of coffee and a cake as a reward for another thousand words this morning. Bettys always has a queue, it's part of the experience. I'm not sure I like this lightening service...
Bar Convent is proving to be an ideal place to work although I am not sure why. The room I am in has a kind of benign sensory deprivation as I sit on the bed and work on the "bigger" table man handled into the room last night by probably the poshest housekeeper I have ever met. She had a wonderful Agatha Christie Miss Marple Quality that makes me feel I might be the silent witness in some evolving mystery. Who are the Koreans they are having "so much trouble with" are they beginning to disappear or is it just my imagination... and the biggest mystery of all: where have all the customers in the queue at Bettys gone?
Now you know why I came out for a walk!

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