Friday 14 November 2008

Ego trip or ego tourist

"I want to write a book"
"Why, there are so many!"
Thus ended my last attempt at producing something to send out to an unsuspecting world!
Consigned in my mind along with the PhD to the file marked "ego trip."

Now I have someone on my shoulder deconstructing that and telling me that my whole Fraser Teal thing has been an ego trip in that it has been about me developing.
"What's wrong with that?"

What is wrong with that? It is a peculiarly british thing that makes personal development a sin...
That says: "Who do you think you are?"
I think I am a child of God,
I know that I am valuable,
I know that I know things,
I know that I want to help others,
I know that I can,
I know that I should...

I want write a book
I will grow through the process
I might help others grow too.

A flourishing day!

No excuses

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