Thursday 26 March 2009


Back to what I know and do best today with a combination of storytelling, project encouragement, and healing rifts around my two parishes. I always forget that when I am a bit fed up visiting people cheers me up… people are what I am passionate about… so being with people reconnects me with my vocation.
Yesterday I was talking with a group of clergy about passion when someone became very upset. I think what pushed the button was thinking about passions, clearly many of those present felt that what they were passionate about as clergy had been blocked out by the other things they were being asked to do.
Today I talked to a brilliant teacher who felt that they were being forced out of working with the children that they loved in order to deal with all the other stuff thrown at them by their job.
Are we destined to lose the bit of the job we love in order to do the job we get paid for?
I hope not… today I was able to be the working, passionate priest out and about helping people.
No wonder I feel better.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

maybe in the big world rush to prove that we can do it all we have forgotten that we each have a place, purpose & giftings which would indicate that God never intended us to excel at everything, just do our part no matter how seemingly small that may be. I have got nowhere however on the resolving why Passion & Discontentment seem to walk hand in hand, but that may just be me.