Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Two days in one

I have just finished two days work in one day. It didn't happen intentially I just left the house this morning at 8.30 to Scout Road School to look around the new extension now everybody's settled into it. It already looks like home to the children and staff and its friendly learning buzz and creative clutter was quite infectious.
Back to home to print off papers and off to lead clergy chapter in a cheerful lunchtme meeting looking at our plans for the restructuring of the deanery.
An important pastoral one to one was followed by a 4.00p.m. Chairing of a meeting with British Waterways and a few excited people to talk about the linear park based on the canal.
6.00p.m. I snatch 25 minutes for the loo and a ready meal from the local shop then the handover meeting for the new church treasurer.
8.00 p.m. pastoral chat about life the universe and children then a pick up and return home for 10.30p.m.
An hour picking up e-mails and making phone calls before bath and now bed.
Fifteen hours leaves me energised and busy headed and prayerful as I review the day and pray for those I met.

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