Friday, 2 January 2009

Adventures with my SatNav

Today we drove over to Boundary Mill to try and find some bargains. We know the way the way there all too well but decided for fun to leave the Satnav on. All the way it kept tantelisingly pointing up small lanes which we managed to resist being directed up.
On the way home a certain giddiness came over my wife and I, due to the lateness of the hour or the sheer joy of shopping without whinging children and so we decided to follow the SatNav. I have no idea which way we went but given that we started off in completely the opposite direction to that which we would have gone and arrived back home from the North when we had left towards the West we had an exciting adventure in the dark, that was neither illegal, immoral and it didn't make us fat!
Given my usually default position these days of grumpiness it was kind of exhilirating, not least because you were completely in someone or something else's control.
Just a brief glimpse then of the attraction of cults and facist regimes?
Probably not as there was not so much pain involved, more like the attraction of the fair ground where for a few risky moments you put take your life out of your own hands.
That self control that we all love to think we have is almost certainly an illusion but at least with the SatNav you can switch it off.

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