Saturday, 2 August 2008

Breakfast in America

The problem with going to bed at nine o'clock in the evening is that you wake up at five thirty in the morning and so I am writing this before the sun is really up.
Looking through the directory for this area we are becoming aware that we are in danger of being overwhelmed by America. There is so much going on. Every corner of every community has a church and every church appears to be very much alive and kicking.
Today then will need to be a day for drifting and sifting, before we start to focus down on what's going on.
Incidentally I got off the plane yesterday to be presented with a left hand drive automatic car. So there I am a man who has been awake for twenty hours, in an unfamiliar car, on the wrong side of the road, trying to find a hotel that is hiding from us! Glad to say that car, driver and marriage are still intact!
At this rate we will be eating breakfast soon.

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