Thursday, 14 August 2008

Telling you in confidence

First day at home and really it’s half a day because we slept for 13 hours. Do you think we might be a bit jet lagged?
Spent the remainder of the day taking my son to Leeds for a job interview and shopping at Sainsburys. It was interesting to compare prices with America. Much cheaper in America but that’s because they are more in recession than we are. At least they think they are which is kind of the point with recession I think, it’s to do with confidence. This is something you can’t measure but everyone agrees you need.
If churches and faith communities had more confidence they would be doing more in the community so I have read or possibly written. That’s why the American churches are so much more able to do things they are more confident.
If businesses were more confident then the economy would be more buoyant because losing confidence in the house market drives house prices down and then people lose confidence and the economy collapses.
If I had more confidence I would run a mile in less than nine seconds and be an Olympic athelete…
My daughter once went to a seminar put on by her school that had them write their life dreams on a piece of paper because if you write something down on paper it will definitely come true.
If so much of our modern economy, schools, sports, religion is based on this feeling: confidence, perhaps we ought to think more about what affects that feeling.
What makes people confident? If you could buy it at Sainsburys they would sell out.

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