Tuesday 26 August 2008


So its over and back on a proper campsite it's straight to the showers and into clean clothes. Washing Greenbelt away and hoping that I don't wash the good stuff off. A growing consciousness of two needs... To bring it altogether and to discover britain.
Greenbelt has convinced me what I already suspected: that everything I have seen in other countries is beginning to happen here but needs to be scaled up. Little flashes of light need to become a grassroots movement, so that like in america regeneration becomes what people of faith do.
To scale up we will need the skills of Yorkshire Forward and their like, but they need our knowledge of grassroots and volunteers. We also need to learn from the Anglicare experience to be better at partnerships and holding on to our Christian identity.
A manifesto then is growing in my head and I am bursting for a rant... But I have two days away in my mobile home to enjoy.

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