Thursday, 12 June 2008


Injections this morning and so now I am protected against typhoid, hepatitis a, polio, tetanus and so tonight I will sleep soundly in my bed.
I am not inoculated against the most dangerous things for someone in my position panic! Holding your nerve when you have three building projects on the go is really hard.

One project the building is well on the way,
one project has reached phase one, with only another ten phases to go!
The third of my projects is still at the discussions with architect’s stage which is exciting but very scary… lots of people asking for details where we haven’t got any.
What is my role in all this? I am not sure but I think I am there to reassure as much as anything else that it will be all right, to tell them that they are doing very well, to keep on pointing forward and as a Christian leader... pray like mad!!

That's even better than any innoculation.

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