Friday 6 June 2008

Too young to be a grown up?

The bride cried tonight at the wedding rehearsal. It was really sweet. It's a long time since I had a bride cry, usually the groom cries and the bride laughs.
They are a young couple, under twenty one but very much in love. I can't decide if they are heroic or naïve.
I think they are heroic... They love each other why should they wait, they have been together since they met at school? Who are we to judge when someone's old enough... If the law says they can then why not?
How old do you have to be to take adult decisions, in fact when do you become adult?
Perhaps we are all a little afraid of settling down.
But unless our communities have a few more grown ups of all ages then we are destined to create a world where no-one takes responsibility and it's always somebody else's fault.
I hope my couple's wedding is a dry one!

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