Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Blenders and Sliverers

There's a sign in our village that annonces that an old factory is blenders and sliverers. I'm not sure waht they did but someone once explained that by the blending and slivering process they brought together different wools and threads to make a stronger one.
Today has been a day for picking up threads and at the end of it I am already beginning to feel a bit more confident in my abilities to live my multitasking life.
The day started with a visit to Scout Road which is two thirds of the way through a £1,600,000 project. It’s looking lovely and the children are already beginning to fill the spaces well. I doubt anyone but parents are aware in our community of the work we are doing there preferring instead to live with a virtual image of schools as “Failing places that don’t teach tables anymore.”
From there it was to a meeting with the wonderful Louise who is currently helping to keep the Renaissance Process moving in the valley. She had good news of new people who are getting involved and longer serving people who were energised in our latest project to call our canal a linear park.
Some time was spent organising a gathering of my Deanery Clergy which will happen next week and will discuss the serious business of keeping our churches moving and growing: with stretched resources and growing demands.
Finally tonight it was down to church for an update on the St Michael’s Project which is about to move into the dynamic building phase.
The threads come together… and weaving and twisting, blending and slivering, become the stronger for it.

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