In regeneration terms this is a real problem for us; we talk of the third sector as though it were some kind of secret society, rather than a living dynamic community of people who own stuff and do stuff and know stuff. Cinderella needs to put on her party dress and come to the ball with all the others in our community.
At Yorkshire Forward the other day I am sure I heard their chair say that their aim was to improve the economy of Yorkshire and inclusion. I don’t think they mean it, yet, but maybe this should include community assets such as faith community assets.
As for people of faith: come out come out wherever you are. Don’t be scared. We have much to offer and yet we are really hiding our lights under a bushel.
Jesus told us to be humble but that didn’t mean to be hidden.
“Let you light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven” as we used to say at the prayer book offertory.
Talking of lights: although it’s raining, although it’s freezing, the lights of Scarborough still look lovely, don’t you agree?
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