Saturday 4 October 2008

Saturday Travels

To Diocesan Synod this morning in the Dearne Valley! At least I think it was, I followed the Sat Nav and so I could have been anywhere.
It was lovely to back amongst the great and the good. We passed the budget, we listened to some people talking about liturgy, we rearranged the deck chairs.
This afternoon back to Hebden Bridge to hear my son playing in the Hebden Bridge Junior band. He plays the bass and so he hides at the back of the band and lends his support. They were creative in their interpretation of many classics but their enthusiasm was catching. You could tell it was Hebden Bridge we were offered the usual cakes and buns but also on offer was pea and pesto soup. It took the idea of green food to new heights.
So now it’s Saturday night and I am due back at church tomorrow, and a bit nervous… a bit like the day before you go back to school. I hope I can still remember how to do it.

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