Monday, 6 October 2008


A day for hard talking as we meet at the Archdeacons to discuss clergy numbers. By 2013 we have to reduce the number of paid clergy by about a fifth in line with national predictions of a reduction in those offering for the full time ministry.
The funny thing is that we have never had so many priests in the C of E the difference is that most of them are part time or self supporting people. We are rapidly becoming a volunteer clergy for a volunteer church... Which at one level is brilliant.
Problem is the demands from the community is not part time and so many of the ideas we have had about clerical engagement in regeneration is dependent on us having the time to do it.
In America is would be unacceptible for someone to live their lives without volunteering... It's just expected but unfortunately in this country no such social pressure occurs. My worry is that somewhat bizarrely, lless clergy time means even less community engagement.

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