Sunday, 17 February 2008

Church of England and an adventure

I remembered this quote from Susan Hope's Mission Shaped Spirituality, it seems relevant to Sweden

What the Church of England could do with possibly more than anything else at present is an adventure. Settlement may have brought many blessings, but it has left us bored. And bored churches become boring churches. Western secular culture is also bored. When you’ve got everything, there’s not a lot more to do, except to get more. The two things the boredom of the Church and the boredom of the culture are probably not unrelated.
But what Christ calls us to is adventure. An adventure where the risks are real and the stakes are high. A big adventure, where there’s no going back and where the outcomes are not predetermined. This adventure grows people up faster than anything else: it stretches them and pushes them into shapes they didn’t know they could have.
One of the discoveries they make along the way is that the stretching doesn’t break them, it develops them: they grow to like themselves more and they become more confident.

Could this be the means to get all faith communities involved in regeneration\/

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