Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Generations of Regenerators

Well it's off again this time with Yorkshire Forward to look at shared space. Sounds a bit like a hippy trip to me but it's actually very serious, at least the car trip here was.
There's something about cars, a bit like mobile confessionals, we always say more than we would normally. Perhaps it's the dark, perhaps it's the fact that we don't catch each other's eye, we talk. Tonight, it's much talk amongst regeneration partners about districts, councillors and missed opportunities. Thankfully it's also about hopes and dreams and new opportunities.
Coming to the hotel, near the airport for a very early start, it's even more old regeneration friends, some of these have been at it for years.
It made me realise that there are generations of regeneraters. We are just the latest in a long line, no doubt there will be more after us. We are a chain of people from the first stone age man who moved a few stones to make his view a bit more exciting and accidentally created stonehenge to the grand schemes of today.
Comforting, possibly exciting, forget 25 year plans, this stuff could last life times. For now, once more, I'll boldly go to shared space.

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