Sunday, 24 February 2008

Shared Space, Sofas and it's nice to be home

Sunday and it's home and church and 110 people to talk to and dream of Sweden. It all ended up being well received and it was so lovely to be spiritually home again. This place fits like a favourite pair of shoes, we've been places together, we've worn in the same places.
Mentioned sofas and someone has a nice new one in their garage, mentioned giving and money and Joseph said the service felt a bit like a prelude for the collection!
I'm amazed at the numbers reading the blog, I really think this might be the great way to communicate what I am discovering.
Shared space is catching on too, and our car park/square looks like a good candidate... I wonder what the traffic at Calderdale will think about it.
Went to see Jumper tonight with the youth group, a SciFi with the central idea of someone with the ability to jump to any place they could imagine. That would be great and save me a lot of trouble in the next few months.

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