Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Now it's Wednesday, just...

Cheese is a big weakness, as is coffee, as is chocolate so no hope for me tonight at the cheese board. Turns out this is a cheese and wine evening and very jolly too, especially after the wine.
Ended up talking to Bishop Eric all night about everything from german theology (strong for him, weak for me) to regeneration (weaker for him, stronger for me.) He had met entrepeneurial priests in England when he had been over and wanted to know all about how it works. Explained about being willing to take risks, to invest without expecting return, to reach out and being a blessing for our communities. Strayed onto his strong ground and mentioned Abrahamic blessing waiting for a rebuffle, was please when he smiled... he could have been humouring me! Fundamentally the Church of Sweden was doing the same thing as the Church of England have been doing, renegotiating the church state settlement. It would help if we knew what we wanted out of the relationship, never mind what they have to offer. It's a bit like blind date: both sides are hidden behind the screens and who know who or what we will eventually pick.
A short conversation with a priest afterwards reminded me of the need to look after the volunteer, which is true for any social enterprise, I wonder if anyone has written anything on it?
A phone call from Catherine and home seems a long way away but also rushing towards me. I still haven't learnt to say goodbye in Swedish.
Incidentally we were told when we arrived that if we said "I am very sorry I am English" the Swedes would forgive and speak English back and so far it has worked. I wonder if ti would work at home?

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