Monday, 28 April 2008

Is there an adult in the house?

Today there is much talk about being a grown up at Brew our Coffee and Caffeine free tea gathering in the bar at St Michaels. This is prompted by one of our number potty training her little boy. Needless to say we all have our advice to give her, mine boiling down to a laissez faire leaving it till he's ready, others with advice that includes bribery or down right sneakiness. (Buying smaller nappies and claiming the child has grown out of nappies does count as being a bit sneaky in my book!)
Someone suggests that they are fed up of being a grown up and wonder if it were possible to hire a grown up to come into your hosue when you need one to come and do the job for you. We agree this may be the attraction of nannies and the like.
I am currently trying to fill in my tax form so I would like an adult to come and do that for me.
We are now in the serious business of negotiations in the regenration building projects I am involved in so I would like an adult to come and take that on as well.
Who is the adult in our community?
People often want me to be the token adult in some circumatances even calling me father. I guess I should be flattered except of course this is only a prelude to what all chidlren do when they become tenagers, ignore their parents or tell you to leave them alone!
So watch this space I think my friend may be on to something...

Rent an Adult is coming to a town near you soon.

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