Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Short Term Hits and Long Term Struggles

The Diocese of Wakefield is having a crisis, this is not newworthy as whilst not in a perpetual state of crisis, it is hardly ever out of one. Our costs are up and our giving isn't so today I met with half the Rural Deans of the Diocese and an archdeacon.Talked alot about renewing our vision andn short term reponses. Lots of the usual stuff but an interesting discussion followed about our image as a Diocese and how we might rebrand. We came up with "Wakefield Diocese: The Heart of Yorkshire." We also talked about devolving money and resources locally.
It is of course rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic, we are not likely to take the difficult decisions until we have to and at the moment we can see the iceberg but haven't hit it yet.
Still when we do we will have very well arranged deckchairs.


Jo B-M said...

Interesting - sounds like you need a donor development strategy - perhaps a fundraising professional with an interest in stewardship ? Now WHERE would you find one of those ...

James said...

Do you know about things like that?