Tuesday 29 April 2008

Taxing Taxes

Why is tax so taxing? I have just spent the day struggling to fill in tax forms. I don't know why I get so het up about it, I guess I am a little wobbly at finances.
The eighteenth century reformers who brought about the demise of the slave trade were dead against taxes. They thought it better that the rich give spontaneously rather than have it reluctantly taken off them. They had this idea that there was a kind of grace involved in giving spontaneously which we deprived people of if we taxed their income. I will be interested in seeing if this is what's behind the American's relatively low tax and relatively high charitable giving.
Anyhow, forms finished I have tried to see myself as some sort of heroic figure who has just contributed to society in a direct and spontaneous way by filling in his tax form.
So three cheers for me and everyoen else who is paying their way, even if it's not spontaneous!

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