Monday, 3 March 2008


Into the secondary school today for lunch with CRUNCH: a group we started a few years ago as a safe place for people to talk about life, the universe, God etc. The group is growing in numbers and in noise... and now we have girls in the group for the first time. They are an interesting group with a range of ages and stages and a great sense of questioning about everything. There favourite quesstion is always why... which is not always easy to answer.
I have always found the why question one of the most powerful tools in our regenration tool box. It opens up lots of thinking and stops lots of mad projects in their tracks. Why are we so reluctant to ask. My wife often looks at buildings and says the architect has said: "I can so I will." without regard to whether it will work.
Every successful committee I have ever been on has had someone who takes the role of boy in the Emperors New Clothes, simply asking: Why is the King naked. A few more "Why"s and a few less disaasters.

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