Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Passionate Meetings

Anger is a diffcult emotion to cope with especially in groups, but I think in the end it is essential in committees. It is some kind of wierd ideal in our culture that people remain calm and quiet, in other cultures, or other countries they talk about passion. Maybe it's not our culture that values the quiet but one part of our culture that does it. Why we need it in committees is that otherwise no-one knows whether people care. Our passions are great drivers and in a quiet committee no-one knows, no-one drives and many committtees need drivers.
I'm ranting about this because it was home with a bump today as I went to council. It was a great meeting, and on occasions passions flared but itfinished with everyone in the pub, celebrating the work done and the passions aired.
Not bad for twenty mostly middle aged people on a Wet Wednesday night in Hebden Bridge.

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