Friday 28 March 2008

Seeing further than the span of one life...

Find myself tonight a little thoughtful as I have visited a dying friend. She wanted to tell me that she wasn't afraid, but she didn't need to it was clear in her eyes. I think I was a bit afraid though at the thought of having to cope with those who are coping with losing her. It's funny how the dying often take on this role of caring for the living. She certainly did as she made me a coffee, got me some cake and asked about everything that was happening in my life. The only thing that saddened her was that she wouldn't be there to see the end of some of the stories around her, not least her grandchildren growing, but at least she was there to see them start.
It's a million miles from regenration issues but maybe not, because this business of doing something for a future that you wont see fully realised is at the heart of many of our projects. Like Capability Brown the Landscape gardener we plant trees that someone else will sit under, we shape hills that will take centuries to truly become green and we create spaces that future generations will campaign to preserve! But if we are generous in our work we will also be passing on our acheivements and oru wisdom to those who follow.
We are five years into a twenty five year project which God willing I will see complete when I am just going into retirement. There's a thought perhaps I will be able to sit on one of the riverside benches and admire the end of what we begun.

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