Thursday 6 March 2008

Hand signals

Tried to explain the concept of shared space to a bus driver. I even showed him the video I have of a junction in Holland where people miraculously on bikes in cars and on foot don't bump into each other. Incidentally I discovered from my dutch in-laws that one of the reasons this works is that in Holland the weakest person has priority on the road. So a pedestrian has priority over a bike, a bike over a car, a car over a lorry and a lorry over a bendy bus. Somebody told me that this is true in Britain too but I wouldn't like to try it out.
Anyhow back with my bus driver, he was fairly unimpresed until I told him that it worked because people used gestures. He brightened, here was something he knew about, he used handsignals when he drove. I knew immediately what he meant and a friendly wave was not part of it!

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