Wednesday, 19 March 2008

How long is a piece of string

Spent a great time today eating lunch in a nice restaruant, receiving an award; Fraser Teal and talking regeneration with people who are passionate about it. Great stuff and interesting because once again the issue of how long came up. Regeneration is the stuff of decades and not years and for organisation with a government or business basis this is difficult because economic and political cycles are much shorter. Businesses on average run a five year plan, politics runs the life of a parliament if you are lucky. Even faith communities are often running on a year by year or if they are visionary five year plan.
Tonight to church where as part of Holy Week we watched: "Amazing Grace" which is the story of William Wilberforce's parliamentary campaign to abolish slavery. The big theme of this big film is that it sometimes takes time to change the world.
How long is the piece of string we call regeneration?

As long as it takes.

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