Sunday, 2 March 2008

A European Family

It turns out that I was not alone on my bumpy landing but unbeknown to me or them my brother in laws dutch parents were there too, travelling to my neice's baptism. You see we're a European family: my sister live in Germany with her dutch husband and two trilingual children, dutch, deutch and Yorkshire!
Talking to my Dutch inlaws I discovered their own verdict on Holland, just too busy, similar to my own view of it really.
It was an interesting conversation full of the places he had travelled which included every state in America and soudned like every country in the world. This travelling had given him an incredible asset which was so valuable to his company that they wouldn't let him retire. His valuable asset was not his intellect, nor his skills, but his network. Over the years he had built up such a big worldwide network that he was now invaluable and of course the one thing about this asset is that it untransferrable.
Malcolm Gladwell in his book "the tipping point" rates very highly the network people when it comes to changing the world. It really isn't what you know it's who you know after all.

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