Tuesday 11 March 2008

A Vicar Queues for his Grant

The foyer of Yorkshire Forward was full of people waiting for... well what were they waiting for?
"Is someone handing out grants?"
"No," I respond "there were no vicars there!"
A bit harsh but in the UCVR process I only ever remember other clergy being present when there were rumours of grants.
I suppose as the only vicar in the foyer today I ought to confess: I was at Yorkshire Forward to talk about my Fraser Teal grant. It was very exciting as I get closer to the dream of travelling. Just as exciting was talking with people who cared as much about regeneration as I do, and who kind of get my problem with the engagement of faith communities in making their neighbourhoods a better place. Suddenly we were going to change the world, again, idealistic teenagers out on an intellectual adventure.
Back to earth with a bump with High School Governors nudging a school forward bit by bit. A bit like when I was an idealistic teenager and encountered for the first time the adult world saying no to my youhful idealism.
My admiration for our local Head is immense, his patience, his long term vision, his tolerance of annoying governors like me who want everything to happen just a bit quicker.

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