Wednesday 14 May 2008

I think they would get on...

A triple whammy tonight, three meetings and a hand shaking job.
Meeting one is Upper Calder Valley Renaissance Steering Group, and fairly high powered... Though slightly undisciplined despite my bestish efforts as chair. Because of this my next meeting Hebden Royd Churches Together lovely people arrived and appeared like creatures from another planet. I cannot work out why these people don't know each other. I suddenly realise how separate the regeneration world and the christian world are in my community. This matters because they both need each other. The regeneration people need the contacts and the building resources of the christians. The christians need the visioning and management resources of the regeneration people.
I also think they would get on.

I finally went to the mayor making with a brass band, a minutes silence for china and Burma, and the crowning of our lovely new mayor, a blogger.
From this I had to go and shake hands as President of the Amateurs at their splendid show "Calamity Jane."
Four different groups of people in one community and yet as separate as cultures from different countries.
I suppose what brings them together is geography, is that enough?
Not sure...
I think they would get on.

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