Friday, 16 May 2008

Temporary Accomodation

Out pounding the streets this morning with Christian Aid envelopes. This took me up Banksfield a post-war development of a homes for heroes. Originally council property now it's half and half. Sadly those who bought there houses are now suffering because after the initial flurry of selling the council replaced corrugated iron and concrete with brick and tile. So those who bought are now stuck with rusting walls whilst their neighbours have what amounts to a new house.
The irony is that this was temporary housing which is now over fifty years old.
I wonder how many iconic buildings were originally temporary: I think the Eiffel Tower was for example was.
Which reminds me of a maxim we as itinerant clergy have always lived by: move in as though you're going to be there forever because there's no such thing as a temporary appointment.

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