Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Sticky Flu

I'm on the train back from a scary meeting about flu pandemics. This was a gathering of various voluntary groups who might be needed in a disaster. I felt pretty out of it untill they told us and I quote: "when the pandemic happens 150,000 people will die 50,000 in Yorkshire."
Still although it's a bit scary not likely to affect me... Then they said it would be over a period of three months and that there would be so many funerals that we would have to consider mass graves.
Now I am listening and thinking and planning and wanting to tell others. I suppose its only when a crisis impacts on us that it moves from their crisis to my crisis.
Malcolm Gladwell? In his book The tipping point talks about sticky messages. Flu pandemic is now a sticky message for me.
I wonder how regeneration becomes a sticky message?
Perhaps that's why people get so upset by losing car parking spaces... That is something we can touch. The trick is to make the positive stuff stick as well and this we do through story and imagination.

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