Tuesday, 6 May 2008

What if unfair is fairer?

Tuesday is my day off which is usually occupied with stuff that has crept into it from other parts of my life. So with a genuine day off I suddenly felt a bit low. They used to say about ships that when they come into port the stuff they have thrown overboard follows them in. Anyhow into port today and then the rubbish flowed in behind and in the darkness the shining of a great book to lighten my day. Also the fact that the sun shone and I was able to sit in the garden to read it, cover to cover as it happens.
The book was called the Social Entrepeneur by Andrew Mawson. It's a great book the kind of thing you want to buy lots of to give to people. It's a story of a minister coming to Bromley - le - Bow in the East End and discovering h0w to form partnerships and to get invovled in fostering entrepeneurship. It is an impressive story with some startling ideas.
Most startling is his idea that fairness means that stuff can't happen because fairness dictates that if you have ten groups in a community you have to give everyone the same amount, so ten million means a million each despite the fact that if one of the groups has a proven track record of changing their communities giving them ten million would be a better prospect.
His strongest analogy was that of the scientist who is given money to distribute to research cancer. They wouldn't give it to every scientist they would look for the ones most likely to find a result.
In regeneration he argues we should give money to only some in the community, not everybody, which although it's unfair could result in the revival of that community.
I need to think about it a bit more.

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