Sunday, 6 July 2008

A change of place or a change of heart

Tonight is my last night in Tais with which I now have mixed relationship. Last night it was a dump, today it's beautiful. The difference is to do with the state of mind when we arrived. Last night we arrived late in a dingy hotel with twitchy staff (as it turned out they had just had a flood that afternoon and were cleaning up the mess when we dropped in.) Having given me a speach about being careful because the streets were filled with sewage the hotel clothes accidentally dropped his clothes in it.
Tonight after a spiritual exoerience with a moutain top village we arrive to be greeted by friendly staff who after we bathed treated us like kings on their rooftop restaurant where viewing Tais from a distance we see it as a fairy land of lights and atmosphere.
Is Tais any different? No.
Any safer? Not really.
What's different?

We are...
As I told Tony this morning quoting Oscar Wilde; we may be in the gutter but we're looking at the stars.

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