Saturday, 19 July 2008

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside

To Port Adelaide to visit the seaside. We discovered in an interesting twist that the Tourist Information Centre was the only thing that was open! It was there to tell us what we would have been able to enjoy if anything had been open.
Port Adelaide is ready for regeneration, so lots of luxury apartments are planned (and opposed,) lots of public realm and art (that will be opposed,) and lots of other bright ideas that probably should be opposed.
Thankfully we went to Semaphore which was much more promising than its name and included a pier, a nice playground, and even nicer ice-cream. On the way back we visited Ruth’s parents, a retired vicar and his very German wife who made sure that we ate something in the way that old people often feel that the young need feeding up.
Tonight we travelled into Adelaide to have an amazing dinner with some wonderful ex’s: three ex mayors, and one ex senator. It was really very interesting as they challenged me and sparked around varying topics including: the arts, the church paedophile scandal, Anglicare and Australian politics. There was a lot of heat but not too much light, but rather a glow of understanding between those frustrated by the difficulties of doing stuff.
One person talked about the burnout they had experienced and it was really moving for someone to be so open. Sad to discover how little support they’d had.
It’s very easy in our striving forward to miss those who fall by the wayside.

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