Sunday, 6 July 2008

Faith provides sustainable projects

Despite the comfy room a bad nights sleep. How do you know if your temperatures up if its hot? Anyhow a sweaty night and a better morning.
Troubled this morning by a question what part did faith play in what we saw yesterday? I think quite a lot but not too obvious. There was the spiritual attachment and love of the land. The uniting of community prayer sung out across the mountain to remind one of the spiritual dimension of what they are doing. The reconciliation of disputes by the Imman.
Would the system work without faith? I don't know but my guess would be that it would not be as sustainable.
So here's another question for today, does faith make a community more or less sustainable?
Later on the way to Adan where we are catching the plane to Socatra the island where Toni does most of his work we find a bit of an answer. A community with the help of Islamic relief to pump water 12000 feet up a mountain so the women of the village don't have to carry the water on their heads. Originally the government scheme faltered but now through the mosque the local "parish council" it is flourishing and sustainable because of faith they are in it for the long haul.
Going up a half made dirt track in a very old land cruiser to the village 12000 feet up a mountain did wonders for my faith too.
Thinking of you all on a beach in Aden where it is 45 degrees in the shade.

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