Friday, 4 July 2008


Just met up with people from islamic relief that the minister connected us with. Interesting conversation as one of them was british muslim from Birmingham. Talked a bit and discovered that internationally they belong to Disaster emergency relief committee which includes many christian charities. Wondered if we could use this structure in britain as well as internationally..

Talked also about how we can be regarded with suspicion as active people of faith. "what we are about is challenging people's opinions of faith - by your actions you are known." They sensibly said.

Talked about partnerships too and they suggested they were more sustainable in that they give pool of funding available.


Build trust with governments

Have to be very open

Not what you know who you know


Sometimes ngo 60 per cent goes to consultants

Bringing in experts undermines local people

People have own agendas



Beneficiary committee - non party grouping of thise who might benefit.

Silver oxide - clears dirty water.

At the moment I am being driven up into the hills to Tise? The two drivers are both chewing the local drug qat. They say it makes them better drivers.

I hope so!

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